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# Name
1 Gabriel Oliveira(
2 Natércia Batista(
3 Michele Brandão(
4 Mirella Moro(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
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2 Alves, G. B., Branda ̃o, M. A., Santana, D. M., da Silva, A. P. C., and Moro, M. M. (2016). The Strength of Social Coding Collaboration on GitHub. In SBBD - Short Papers.
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4 Batista, N. A., Branda ̃o, M. A., Alves, G. B., da Silva, A. P. C., and Moro, M. M. (2017a). Collaboration Strength Metrics and Analyses on GitHub. In WI, pages 170–178.
5 Batista, N. A. et al. (2017b). GitSED: Um Conjunto de Dados com Informações Sociais Baseado no GitHub. In SBBD - Dataset Showcase Workshop, pages 224–233.
6 Brandão, M. A. and Moro, M. M. (2017). The strength of co-authorship ties through different topological properties. JBCS, 23(1):5.
7 Casalnuovo, C. et al. (2015). Developer onboarding in GitHub: the role of prior social links and language experience. In ESEC/FSE, pages 817–828.
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10 Goyal, R. et al. (2018). Identifying unusual commits on GitHub. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 30(1).
11 Rocha, L. M. A., Silva, T. H. P., and Moro, M. M. (2016). Ana ́lise da Contribuição para Código entre Repositórios do GitHub. In SBBD - Short Papers, pages 103–108.