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# Name
1 Heraldo Borges(
2 Antonio Castro(
3 Rafaelli Coutinho(
4 Fabio Porto (
5 Esther Pacitti(
6 Eduardo Ogasawara(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
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2 Borges, H., Dutra, M., Bazaz, A., Coutinho, R., Perosi, F., Porto, F., Masseglia, F., Pacitti, E., and Ogasawara, E. (2020). Spatial-time motifs discovery. Intelligent Data Analysis, 24(5):1121–1140.
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12 Yeh, C.-C., Zhu, Y., Ulanova, L., Begum, N., Ding, Y., Dau, H., Zimmerman, Z., Silva, D., Mueen, A., and Keogh, E. (2018). Time series joins, motifs, discords and shapelets: a unifying view that exploits the matrix profile. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 32(1):83–123.