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(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Name
1 Josinaldo Azevedo(
2 André Barcellos(
3 Amanda Mendes(
4 Paulo Vidal(
5 Daniel de Oliveira(
6 Marcos Bedo(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
1 Bitar, N., Muhammad, S., and Refai, H. H. (2017). Wireless technology identificationusing deep convolutional neural networks. In2017 IEEE 28th Annual InternationalSymposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, pages 1–6.
2 Ozseven, T. (2018). Investigation of the effect of spectrogram images and different textureanalysis methods on speech emotion recognition.Applied Acoustics, 142:70–77.
3 Pratt, T. and Allnutt, J. (2020).Satellite Communication. 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd,Virginia, USA, 3 edition.
4 Tarongi, J. and Camps, A. (2010). Radio frequency interference detection algorithm basedon spectrogram analysis. In2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote SensingSymposium, pages 2499–2502.
5 Wang, W., Zhang, G., Yang, L., Balaji, V., Elamaran, V., and Arunkumar, N. (2019).Revisiting signal processing with spectrogram analysis on eeg, ecg and speech signals.Future Generation Computer Systems, 98:227–232.