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# Name
1 Angelo Frozza(
2 Geomar Schreiner(
3 Ronaldo Mello(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
1 Atzeni, P., Bugiotti, F., and Rossi, L. (2014). Uniform Access to NoSQL Systems. Information Systems, 43(SI):117–133.
2 Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S. (2011). Fundamentals of Database Systems. Addison-Wesley, 6 edition.
3 Frozza, A. and Mello, R. (2020). JS4Geo: A Canonical JSON Schema for Geographic Data Suitable to NoSQL Databases. GeoInf., 24(4):987–1019.
4 Henry Korth, S. S. and Silberschatz, A. (2019). Database System Concepts. McGraw-Hill Education, 7 edition.
5 Heuser, C. A. (2009). Projeto de Banco de Dados. Bookman, 6 edition.
6 Lima, C. (2016). Projeto Lógico de Bancos de Dados NoSQL Documento a Partir de Esquemas Conceituais Entidade-Relacionamento Estendido (EER). Master’s thesis, PPGCC-UFSC.
7 Lima, C. and Mello, R. (2015). A Workload-driven Logical Design Approach for NoSQL Document Databases. In XVII ACM iiWAS, pages 73:1–73:10.
8 Lima, C. and Mello, R. (2016). On Proposing and Evaluating a NoSQL Document Database Logical Design Approach. Int. J. Web Inf. Syst., 12(4):398–417.
9 Sadalage, P. J. and Fowler, M. (2013). NoSQL Distilled : A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence. Addison-Wesley.
10 Santana, L. H. Z. and Mello, R. (2020). An Analysis of Mapping Strategies for Storing RDF Data into NoSQL Databases. In XXXV ACM SAC, pages 386–392.
11 Schreiner, G., Duarte, D., and Mello, R. (2020). Bringing SQL Databases to Key-based NoSQL Databases: A Canonical Approach. Computing, 102(1):221–246.
12 Schreiner, G. A., Duarte, D., and Mello, R. (2015). SQLtoKeyNoSQL: A Layer for Relational to Key-based NoSQL Database Mapping. In XVII ACM iiWAS, pages 74:1–74:9. ACM.
13 Schreiner, G. A., Duarte, D., and Mello, R. (2019). When Relational-Based Applications Go to NoSQL Databases: A Survey. Information, 10(7):241–263.
14 Silva, T. H. V. and Mello, R. (2021). A Rule-based Conversion of an EER Schema to Neo4j Schema Constraints. In XXXVI SBBD, pages 181–192.
15 Stonebraker, M. (2010). SQL Databases vs. NoSQL Databases. Commun. ACM, 53(4):10–11.