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# Name
1 Rebeca Barros(
2 Vaninha Vieira(
3 Laís Salvador(
4 Reinaldo Almeida(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
1 Babitski, G., Bergweiler, S., Grebner, O., Oberle, D., Paulheim, H., and Probst, F. (2011). Soknos–using semantic technologies in disaster management software. In The Semanic Web: Research and Applications, pages 183–197. Springer.
2 Barros, R., Kislansky, P., Salvador, L., Almeida, R., Breyer, M., and Gasparin, L. (2015a). Edxl-rescuer ontology: Conceptual model for semantic integration. In Proceedings of the 12th International ISCRAM Conference.
3 Barros, R., Kislansky, P., Salvador, L., Almeida, R., Breyer, M., Pedraza, L. G., and Vieira, V. (2015b). Edxl-rescuer ontology: an update based on faceted taxonomy approach. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Seminar on Ontologies (ONTOBRAS 2015).
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6 DHA, U. (1992). Internationally agreed glossary of basic terms related to disaster management. UN DHA (United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs), Geneva.
7 OASIS (2014). Oasis emergency management tc. https://www.oasis-open. org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=emergency.
8 Zlatanova, S., De Vries, M., and Van Oosterom, P. (2010). Ontology-based query of two dutch topographic data sets: an emergency response case. In Proceedings Core Spatial Databases-Updating, Maintenance and Services–from Theory to Practice, Haifa, Israel, 15-17 March 2010; IAPRS, XXXVIII (4-8-2/W9), 2010. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).