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# Name
1 Mariana Silva(mariana.santos)
2 Luiza Gomes(
3 Mirella Moro(

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# Reference
1 Adukia, A. et al. Portrayals of race and gender: Sentiment in 100 years of childrens literature. In ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS). Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 2028, 2022a.
2 Adukia, A. et al. Tales and tropes: Gender roles from word embeddings in a century of children’s books. In Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 2022, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, October 12-17, 2022. International Committee on Computational Linguistics, pp. 3086–3097, 2022b.
3 Cardoso, B. and Pereira, D. Evaluating an aspect extraction method for opinion mining in the portuguese language. In Anais do VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning. SBC, pp. 137–144, 2020.
4 Cheng, J. Fleshing out models of gender in english-language novels (1850–2000). Journal of Cultural Analytics 5 (1): 11652, 2020.
5 Cordeiro, D. et al. Representativeness of women in postgraduate programs in computer science in brazil. In Anais do XIV Women in Information Technology. SBC, Cuiabá, pp. 110–119, 2020.
6 Cristiani, A., Lieira, D., and Camargo, H. A sentiment analysis of brazilian elections tweets. In Anais do VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning. SBC, pp. 153–160, 2020.
7 Hoyle, A. et al. Unsupervised discovery of gendered language through latent-variable modeling. In Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL. Vol. 1. pp. 1706–1716, 2019.
8 Jockers, M. and Kirilloff, G. Understanding gender and character agency in the 19th century novel. Journal of Cultural Analytics 2 (2), 12, 2016.
9 Khadilkar, K., KhudaBukhsh, A. R., and Mitchell, T. M. Gender bias, social bias, and representation: 70 years of bollywood. Patterns 3 (2): 100409, 2022.
10 Kohler, L. et al. A representatividade feminina nos jogos digitais. In Anais do XV Women in Information Technology. SBC, Evento Online, pp. 265–269, 2021.
11 Labatut, V. and Bost, X. Extraction and analysis of fictional character networks: A survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 52 (5): 89:1–89:40, 2019.
12 Pizzol, N. D., Barbosa, E., and Musse, S. Gender representation in brazilian computer science conferences. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology. SBC, Niterói, pp. 67–76, 2022.
13 Silva, M. O. et al. PPORTAL: Public domain Portuguese-language literature Dataset. In SBBD DSW. SBC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 77–88, 2021.
14 Ermáková, A. and Mahlberg, M. Gender inequality and female body language in childrens literature. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36 (Supplement_2): ii72–ii77, 12, 2020.