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# Name
1 Mirela Cazzolato(
2 Lucas Scabora( )
3 Guilherme Zabot(
4 Marco Gutierrez(
5 Caetano Traina Jr.(
6 Agma Traina(

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# Reference
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26 Zabot, G. F., Cazzolato, M. T., Scabora, L. C., Faical, B. S., Traina, A. J. M., and Traina Jr., C. (2019a). UCORM: indexing uncorrelated metric spaces for concise content-based retrieval of medical images. In 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2019, Cordoba, Spain, June 5-7, 2019, pages 306–311. IEEE.
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