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# Name
1 André Gonzaga(
2 Robson Cordeiro(

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# Reference
1 Camps, D. (2014). High performance relational division in sql server. Simple-Talk. [Online; acessed April 26,2016].
2 Celko, J. (2009). Divided we stand: The sql of relational division. Simple-Talk. [Online; acessed April 26,2016].
3 Codd, E. F. (1972). Relational completeness of data base sublanguages. In: R. Rustin (ed.): Database Systems: 65-98, Prentice Hall and IBM Research RJ 987, San Jose, California.
4 Gonzaga, A. (2014). Study aimed at simplification and optimization of relational division in database systems. Term Paper, University of S ̃ao Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil.
5 Leinders, D. and Van den Bussche, J. (2005). On the complexity of division and set joins in the relational algebra. In Proceedings of the twenty-fourth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, pages 76–83. ACM.
6 Matos, V. M. and Grasser, R. (2001). Assessing performance of the relational division operator. Data Base Management, 22-20-30:1–11.
7 Zhang, K., Qin, Z. S., Liu, J. S., Chen, T., Waterman, M. S., and Sun, F. (2004). Haplotype block partitioning and tag snp selection using genotype data and their applications to association studies. Genome Research, 14(5):908–916.