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(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Name
1 Chrystinne Fernandes(
2 Dienert Vieira(
3 Tassiane Barros(
4 Aian Shay(
5 Nicksson Freitas(
6 Tiago Vinuto(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
1 Bogarin, A., Cerezo, R., and Romero, C. (2017). A survey on educational process mining. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 8(1):e1230.
2 Chaia, A., Child, F., Dorn, E., Frank, M., Krawitz, M., and Mourshed, M. (2017). What drives student performance in latin america.
3 Bogarín, A., Cerezo, R., and Romero, C. (2017). A survey on educational process mining. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 8(1):e1230.
4 Farooq, M. S., Chaudhry, A., Shafiq, M. M., and Berhanu, G. (2012). Factors affecting students’ quality of academic performance: A case of secondary.
5 Lopes, S. G., de Carvalho Xavier, I. M., and dos Santos Silva, A. L. (2020). Rendimento escolar: um estudo comparativo entre alunos da area urbana e da area rural em uma escola publica do Piaui. Ensaio: Avaliacao e Politicas Publicas em Educacao, 28(109):962–981.
6 M. A. P. Terrin, C. N. S. J. and Bugatti., P. H. (2014). Utilizando tecnicas de mineracao de dados para apoiar a busca ativa de familias em situacao de vulnerabilidade e risco social.
7 Romero, C. and Ventura, S. (2020). Educational data mining and learning analytics: An updated survey. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10(3).
8 Velasco, R. B., Carpanese, I., Interian, R., Neto, O. C. G. P., and Ribeiro, C. C. (2020). A decision support system for fraud detection in public procurement. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(1):27–47.