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# Name
1 Ana Beatriz Cruz(
2 Joao Ferreira(
3 Bernardo Monteiro( )
4 Rafaelli Coutinho(
5 Fabio Porto(
6 Eduardo Ogasawara(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
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2 Andrienko, G. and Andrienko, N. (2008). Spatio-temporal aggregation for visual analysis of movements. In Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 2008. VAST’08. IEEE Symposium on, pages 51–58. IEEE.
3 Chen, W., Guo, F., and Wang, F.-Y. (2015). A survey of traffic data visualization. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 16(6):2970–2984.
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6 Ferreira, J., Gaspar, D., Monteiro, B., Silva, A. B., Porto, F., and Ogasawara, E. (2017). Uma Proposta de Implementação de Álgebra de Workflows em Apache Spark no Apoio a Processos de Análise de Dados. In Brazilian e-Science Workshop.
7 Ferreira, N., Poco, J., Vo, H. T., Freire, J., and Silva, C. T. (2013). Visual exploration of big spatio-temporal urban data: A study of new york city taxi trips. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 19(12):2149–2158.
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