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# Name
1 João Couto(
2 Breno C. Pimenta(
3 Igor M. de Araújo(
4 Samuel Assis(
5 Julio C. S. Reis(
6 Ana Paula da Silva(
7 Jussara Almeida(
8 Fabrício Benevenuto(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
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4 Ferrara, E. (2020). What types of covid-19 conspiracies are populated by twitter bots? First Monday.
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12 Reis, J. C., Melo, P., Garimella, K., Almeida, J. M., Eckles, D., and Benevenuto, F. (2020). A dataset of fact-checked images shared on whatsapp during the brazilian andindian elections. In Proc. of the Int’l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), pages 903–908.
13 Reis, J. C. S., Correia, A., Murai, F., Veloso, A., and Benevenuto, F. (2019). Supervised learning for fake news detection. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 34(2).
14 Resende, G., Melo, P., Sousa, H., Messias, J., Vasconcelos, M., Almeida, J., and Benevenuto, F. (2019). (mis)information dissemination in whatsapp: Gathering, analyzing and countermeasures. In Proc. of the ACM Web Conference (WWW), pages 818–828.
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