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# Name
1 Gabriel Oliveira(
2 Anisio Lacerda(
3 Mirella Moro(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
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3 Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2021). Hot Streaks in the Brazilian Music Market: A Comparison Between Physical and Digital Eras. In SBCM. SBC.
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13 Oliveira, G. P., Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Botelho, J. E., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2022a). Musical Success in the United States and Brazil: Novel Datasets and Temporal Analyses. JIDM.
14 Oliveira, G. P., Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., Lacerda, A., and Moro, M. M. (2021a). MUHSIC: Music-oriented Hot Streak Information Collection.
15 Oliveira, G. P., Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2021b). MUHSIC: An open dataset with temporal musical success information. In SBBD DSW, pages 65–76. SBC.
16 Oliveira, G. P., Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2023a). Hot streaks in the music industry: Identifying and characterizing above-average success periods in artists’ careers. Scientometrics. [under review].
17 Oliveira, G. P., Lacerda, A., and Moro, M. M. (2020a). Musical genre analysis over dynamic success-based networks. In SBBD WTDBD. SBC.
18 Oliveira, G. P., Lacerda, A., and Moro, M. M. (2022b). Analyses of musical success based on time, genre and collaboration. In Anais do XXXV CTD. SBC.
19 Oliveira, G. P. and Moro, M. M. (2023a). Exceptional collaboration patterns in music genre networks. In BraSNAM. SBC.
20 Oliveira, G. P. and Moro, M. M. (2023b). Mining exceptional genre patterns on hit songs. In KDMiLe. SBC.
21 Oliveira, G. P., Moura, A. F. C., Batista, N. A., Brandao, M. A., Hora, A., and Moro, M. M. (2023b). How do developers collaborate? investigating github heterogeneous networks. Software Quality Journal, 31:211–241.
22 Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., Lacerda, A., and Moro, M. M. (2020b). Detecting collaboration profiles in success-based music genre networks. In ISMIR, pages 726–732.
23 Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., Lacerda, A., and Moro, M. M. (2020c). MGD: Music Genre Dataset.
24 Paula, B. C. M., Oliveira, G. P., and Moro, M. M. (2022). Mood Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil through Music. In WebMedia CTIC, pages 53–56, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. SBC.
25 Pimentel, J. F., Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2021). Ciência de dados com reprodutibilidade usando jupyter. In Jornada de Atualização em Informática 2021, chapter 1, pages 13–62. SBC.
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27 Seufitelli, D. B., Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Barbosa, G. R. G., Melo, B. C., Botelho, J. E., Melo-Gomes, L., and Moro, M. M. (2022). From compact discs to streaming: A comparison of eras within the brazilian market. Vortex Music Journal, 10(1).
28 Seufitelli, D. B., Oliveira, G. P., Silva, M. O., Scofield, C., and Moro, M. M. (2023). Hit song science: A comprehensive survey and research directions. JNMR. [under review].
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32 Silva, M. O., Oliveira, G. P., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2023). Temporal Success Analysis in Music Collaboration Networks: Brazilian versus Global Scenarios. Vortex Music Journal. [accepted for publication].
33 Silva, M. O., Scofield, C., de Melo-Gomes, L., Botelho, J. E., Oliveira, G. P., Seufitelli, D. B., and Moro, M. M. (2022b). Brazilian reading preferences in goodreads: Crossstate and cross-region analyses. iSys, 15(1).
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