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(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Name
1 Elton Soares(
2 Renan Souza(
3 Raphael Thiago(
4 Marcelo Machado(
5 Leonardo Azevedo(

(*) To change the order drag the item to the new position.

# Reference
1 Brahimi, L., Bellatreche, L., and Ouhammou, Y. (2016). A recommender system for dbms selection based on a test data repository. In East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pages 166–180. Springer.
2 Elnaffar, S., Horman, R. W., Lightstone, S. S., Martin, P., Schiefer, B. K., and Van Boeschoten, R. D. (2009). Method for identifying a workload type for a given workload of database requests. US Patent 7,499,908.
3 Gray, J. (1992).Benchmark handbook: for database and transaction processing systems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
4 Guo, Y., Pan, Z., and Heflin, J. (2005). Lubm: A benchmark for owl knowledge base systems. Journal of Web Semantics, 3(2-3):158–182.
5 Huppler, K. (2009). The art of building a good benchmark. InTechnology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, pages 18–30. Springer.
6 Kuhn, D., Alapati, S., and Padfield, B. (2012).Expert Indexing in Oracle Database 11g: Maximum Performance for your Database. Springer.
7 Morsey, M., Lehmann, J., Auer, S., and Ngomo, A.-C. N. (2011). DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark–Performance Assessment with Real Queries on Real Data. In International semantic web conference, pages 454–469. Springer.
8 Zilio, D. C., Rao, J., Lightstone, S., Lohman, G., Storm, A., Garcia-Arellano, C., and Fadden, S. (2004). DB2 Design Advisor: Integrated Automatic Physical Database Design. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth international conference on Very large databases-Volume 30, pages 1087–1097.