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# Name
1 Marco Sousa(
2 Luis Zarate(

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# Reference
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2 Loyola-González, O. (2019). Black-box vs. white-box: Understanding their advantages and weaknesses from a practical point of view. IEEE Access, 7:154096–154113.
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6 OMS (2022). The global impact of chronic kidney disease. In Division, W. H. S., editor, Global Health Statistics 2023, pages 45–60. World Health Organization.
7 Pereira, L. and Silva, R. (2022). Utilizing machine learning for the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in brazilian patients. Health Informatics Journal, 28(1):112–125.
8 SBN (2023). Impacto da doença renal crônica no brasil. In Silva, J., editor, Relatório Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia, pages 23–45. Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia.
9 Souza, T. and Lima, F. (2022). Predictive models for chronic kidney disease: A study in brazilian population using machine learning. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(3):210–223.